1. futuristic
  2. hindu
  3. hosting
  4. bread of the dead
  5. clean
  6. cleaning tools
  7. cleaning brush
  8. medical
  9. dead
  10. shocked
  11. piercing
  12. piercing
  13. piercing
  14. cute
  15. anonymous
  16. mixed
  17. fragile
  18. inflammable
  19. military
  20. dirty
  21. dirty
  22. confused
  23. sad
  24. off
  25. mobile
  26. puzzle
  27. nuclear
  28. electrical
  29. cowardly lion
  30. coat of arms
  31. glass cleaner
  32. happy
  33. muted
  34. happy
  35. sad
  36. angry
  37. safe
  38. piercing
  39. piercing
  40. piercing
  41. piercing
  42. happy
  43. cold
  44. protective
  45. cold
  46. emerald
  47. remote
  48. potty
  49. pregnant
  50. angry